ÿþ<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia </TITLE><link rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href=css.css></HEAD><BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#FFFFFF leftMargin=0 link=#000000 text=#000000 topMargin=0 vLink=#000000 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><table align=center width=700 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align=left bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=550><font face=arial size=2><strong><font face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=3><font size=1>25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia </font></font></strong><font face=Verdana size=1><b><br></b></font><font face=Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif size=1><strong> </strong></font></font></td><td align=right bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=150><font face=arial size=2><strong><font face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif size=1><font size=1>ResumoID:1998-1</font></em></font></strong></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2><br><br><table align=center width=700><tr><td>Área: <b>Virologia ( Divisão P )</b><p align=justify><strong><FONT SIZE="3"><SPAN STYLE="FONT-FAMILY: ARIAL,HELVETICA,SANS-SERIF;">COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENETIC VARIABILITY OF PAPILLOMAVIRIDAE FAMILY MEMBERS SEEKING TO INCREASE THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THEIR EVOLUTION AND DIVERSIFICATION</SPAN></FONT> </strong></p><p align=justify><b><u>Marcus Vinicius Aragão Batista </u></b> (<i>UFPE</i>); <b>Tiago Alessandro Espinola Ferreira </b> (<i>UFRPE</i>); <b>Antonio Carlos de Freitas </b> (<i>UFPE</i>); <b>Valdir de Queiroz Balbino </b> (<i>UFPE</i>)<br><br></p><b><font size=2>Resumo</font></b><p align=justify class=tres><font size=2> <div style="text-align: justify;"><font size="3">Papillomavirus forms a highly diverse and specific group of virus that infects mammals, birds and reptiles. The evolution of papillomavirus is relatively slow when compared with the RNA viruses, once its genome consists of a double strand DNA that is faithful replicated by the host cell DNA replication machinery. However, knowledge about the genetic diversity and evolution of these viruses is still poor, and these processes are very important to the future development of new diagnostic methods and more effective treatments. Thus, a study aiming at understanding the genetic variability among the members of Papillomaviridae family is fundamental for the establishment of a comprehensive scenario of the papillomavirus complex evolutionary history. This work consisted on the analysis of 53 papillomavirus genome sequences, which represents all known diversity of these viruses. The sequences had been obtained in the database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), from which local databases had been established containing basic aspects of the sequences (e.g. size, GC content, function and composition), through the program BioEdit v. 7.0.9. Later on, the sequences were aligned using an incorporated version of the program ClustalW in the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Software 4.0 (MEGA4). Comparative genomic studies were performed concerning the genome size; number and order of genes; variability within genes (substitutions and indels events). The employed methodology allowed the identification of regions that seems to be conservative between papillomaviruses of a variety of hosts, which helps to understand their evolutionary relationships. This is very important because, despite the huge variation between all papillomavirus genomes, we can still find regions that are clearly shared between them, presenting low complexity levels in order to make predictions. In conclusion, these results indicated that those regions are good markers to make some evolutionary and phylogenetic inferences, resulting in the increment of the capacity of understand the diversification of the Papillomaviridae family members.<br><br>Financial support: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).<br></font> </div> </font></p><br><b>Palavras-chave: </b>&nbsp;Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics, Evolution, Papillomavirus</td></tr></table></tr></td></table></body></html>