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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 1413-1



Kaique Trabach Noemeg (UNESC - Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo ) ; Gabriela Torezani (UNESC - Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo ) ; Leonardo Candido Souza Lessa (UNESC - Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo ) ; Jéssica Fernandes Carvalhais (UNESC - Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo )

Milk is one of the most widely consumed animal products globally. It is a nutritious food rich in essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Due to its rich nutritional diversity, milk serves as an optimal environment for the proliferation of diverse microorganisms that can originate from various sources, including the air, milking equipment, soil, feces, and grass. In Brazil, the direct sale of raw milk to consumers is prohibited; however, it remains a common practice in small towns. This situation complicates quality control efforts and poses a risk to public health. This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of raw milk sold directly from producers to consumers at street markets in the city of Colatina - ES. A total of 30 raw milk samples were collected from street markets and immediately transported in an icebox to the microbiology laboratory for further analysis. All milk samples were cultured and tested to isolate and identify Salmonella spp. using microbiological, morphological, and biochemical methods. Microbiological (coliforms and Escherichia coli and Total Mesophilic Aerobic Microorganisms Count) characteristics were also determined. The Most Probable Number (MPN) method was used to quantify the coliforms. Samples showing a positive result for coliforms were seeded on EMB-Agar plates, and the bacteria were identified from typical isolated colonies for E.coli. The Total Mesophilic Aerobic Microorganisms Count was analyzed using serial dilutions and cultured on Plate count agar. Bacteria of the genus Salmonella were present in 36,6% of the samples. Consumption of contaminated raw milk with Salmonella can cause outbreaks of salmonellosis, a foodborne disease affecting public health and potentially can cause death in people. The Total Mesophilic Aerobic Microorganisms Count was higher than the maximum allowed by Brazilian legislation in 92% of the raw milk samples analyzed. The mean values of the samples were 780,000 CFU/mL and Brazilian legislation requires raw milk to have a maximum value of 300,000 CFU/mL. The total coliform count was greater than 1000 CFU/mL in 95% of the samples. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms and E. coli was confirmed in 73% of the samples. High counts of fecal coliforms and aerobic mesophilic microorganisms are a hygienic indicator, and a indicates unsanitary conditions or poor hygiene practices during the obtaining, storage, and marketing of milk. This highlights the need to implement good hygiene practices and effective monitoring from production through the delivery chain to the consumer. The sale or distribution of raw or unpasteurized milk is illegal in Brazil, and efficient inspection measures are essential for consumer safety. In conclusion, the findings of this study highlight the poor microbiological quality of raw milk sold in the informal market in Colatina-ES and indicate that raw milk may possess a potential public health hazard for consumers.

 Milk quality ,, Contamination, Health risks, Milk borne hazard, Microbial quality

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Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo UNESC