Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 1249-1 | ||||
Resumo:The Firmicutes phylum comprises gram-positive, metabolically diverse bacteria whose distribution in the environment is still poorly understood. Many bacteria in this phylum have medical, environmental, and biotechnological importance. Thus, understanding how these bacteria are distributed is extremely important to explore their potential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and diversity of Firmicutes present in water and sediment samples from different aquatic environments from the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For this purpose, water (W) and sediment (S) samples were collected from different marine environments (Dois Rios beach - DR, Abraão beach - AB, Massambaba beach - MB and Guanabara Bay - GB), freshwater lagoon (Jacarepiá Lagoon- JL) and hypersaline lagoon (Vermelha lagoon - VL) (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). Microbial communities present in each sample were determined by sequencing 16S rRNA-encoding genes. Furthermore, Firmicutes distribution, diversity and composition were analyzed using QIIME2. The results showed that Firmicutes represented an average of 1% of the microbial community of aquatic microbiomes and were unevenly distributed in aquatic water and sediment. The highest abundances of Firmicutes were detected in JL_S and VL_S, and the lowest abundances were observed in MB_W and AB_W. From seven different Firmicutes classes, only sequences related to Bacilli and Clostridia classes were identified in aquatic environments. The main Firmicutes genera identified were related to Bacillus and to an unidentified genus of the Clostridiales order. This study represents the beginning of the understanding of how bacteria of the phylum Firmicutes are distributed in different environments, facilitating the search for potential producers of bioactive compounds. Palavras-chave: 16S rRNA-encoding genes, Aquatic environments, Composition, Diversity, Firmicutes distribution Agência de fomento:Capes; CNPq; FAPERJ |