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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 1058-1



Conceição de Maria Pedrozo E Silva E Azevedo (UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão, HUUFMA - Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra) ; Sayuri de Souza Yamamura (UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão) ; Isadora Miyuki Takagi (UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão) ; Martim Tiago de Sousa Neto (UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhão) ; Sirlei Garcia Marques (LAB CEDRO - Laboratório Cedro, HUUFMA - Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra) ; Raimundo Carlos Silva (LAB CEDRO - Laboratório Cedro) ; Guilherme Nunes do Rego E Silva (LAB CEDRO - Laboratório Cedro) ; Ana Claudia Garcia Marques (HUUFMA - Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra) ; Debora Cristina Santos Silva (LAB CEDRO - Laboratório Cedro) ; Daniel Wagner Santos (REDE D'OR - Rede D'OR São Luiz - Instituto D'OR de Pesquisa e Ensino, HUUFMA - Hospital Universitário Presidente Dutra)

In the COVID-19 pandemic, ways to combat the disease were adopted, such as the use of antimicrobials by the community. Thus, it was necessary to evaluate the impact of the unregulated use of these drugs on the sensitivity of the main etiological agent of community pneumonia. After the peak of the Sars-Cov-2 humanitarian crisis, uncertain measures were adopted by health authorities and the population, making it necessary to assess the resistance of infectious agents, including pneumococcus. The objective was to analyze the sensitivity profile of Streptococcus pneumoniae to antimicrobials after the beginning of the pandemic in the state of Maranhão, according to available data.The identification of isolated microorganisms was performed using mass spectrometry with the Microflex-Bruker Daltonics/BioTyper™ (MALDI-TOF) equipment (Bruker Daltonics GmbH and Co. KG - Bremen, Germany). The equipment was calibrated initially with the Bruker Bacterial Test Standard (BTS) as recommended by the manufacturer. To determine the susceptibility profile of the isolated bacteria in relation to antimicrobials, the Phoenix-BD equipment (Becton and Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) and automated system Vitek2-CC4 (bioMérieux, Inc., Durham, NC, USA) with the AST-YS07 cards were used. For the susceptibility test, the broth microdilution technique was employed to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration. For carbapenem-resistant microorganisms, the resistant test from automated system was confirmed using the Muller-Hinton and E-Test® bioMerieux gradient strips to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results were interpreted based on the readings obtained from the cutoff points and analyzed according to the parameters established by the Brazilian Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (BrCast)/European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines. In 2019, 104 samples were analyzed, with the susceptibility profile: Ceftriaxone: 86 samples: 2.32% resistant (R) and 1.16% sensitive, increasing exposure (I), Clindamycin: 95 samples: 27% R , Erythromycin: 95 samples: 49% R, Penicillin: 95 samples: 3% R and 2% I, Tetracycline: 71 samples: 70% R. In 2020, 32 isolated samples, with the profile: Ceftriaxone: 32 samples: 9, 3% R, 6.2% I, Clindamycin: 30 samples: 30% R, Penicillin: 30 samples: 10% R, Tetracycline: 31 samples: 54% R. In the year 2021, 16 samples were isolated, with the profile : Ceftriaxone: 16 samples: 12% I, Clindamycin: 16 samples: 31% R, Erythromycin: 16 samples: 68% R, Levofloxacin: 15 samples: 6% R, Penicillin: 16 samples: 6% R and 6% I, Tetracycline: 16 samples: 62% R. In 2022, 71 samples, with the profile: Ceftriaxone: 68 samples: 1% R and 22% I, Clindamycin: 53 samples: 22% R, Erythromycin: 20 samples: 35% I, Levofloxacin: 68 samples: 67% R and 7% I, Penicillin: 70 samples: 7% R and 35% I. In all years, Vancomycin did not change its pattern, remaining sensitive. Thus, it was possible to assess that there was a change in the susceptibility profile of S. pneumoniae. Among the main hypotheses was the deregulated use of antimicrobials in the face of Covid-19. In the years 2020 to 2022 there were fewer cultures isolated, which can be explained by the use of antimicrobials both at the community and hospital level, than by its high demand from patients with respiratory disorders, using broad-spectrum antimicrobials, without collection of culture before use, which also influenced the profile.

 Alteration , Antimicrobians, Isolated samples, Resistance, Streptococcus pneumoniae

Agência de fomento:
Laboratório Cedro