Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 943-1 | ||||
Resumo:Brazilian soils hold difficulties while making phosphorus available to plants, affecting competitiveness, sustainability, and agricultural productivity. Therefore, this loads production costs, once Brazilian agriculture depends on the importation of phosphate fertilizers. The phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) are an optimistic opportunity to improve this nutrient's use in soil. This work aimed to assess the influence of inoculation with Bacillus sp. strains on the average maize yield. The experiment was conducted on Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, in Sete Lagoas - MG. A completely randomized block design was considered, consisting of twelve treatments and three replications. All the tested strains belong to Embrapa Milho e Sorgo's Multifunctional Microorganisms Collection. The treatments were organized in groups, control without inoculants: T1- no phosphorus (P) application; T2- a 50% P-dose (50 kg ha-1 P2O5 ) and T3- a 100% P-dose (100 kg ha-1 P2O5 ); and group with inoculants and a 50% P-application: T4- Bacillus megaterium (B119) + B. subtilis (B2084); T5- B. megaterium (B119) + B. subtilis (B2084) + B. thuringiensis (B116); T6- B. thuringiensis (B116) + B. megaterium (B119); T7- B. subitilis (B1719); T8- B. subitilis (B1716); T9- B. subitilis (B1733); T10- B. megaterium (B1734); T11- B. thuringiensis (B116); T12- B. megaterium (B2106). The average productivity of each treatment was evaluated in kg ha-1. Grain moisture was adjusted to 13%, and results were converted to sc ha-1. Data were submitted to a variance analysis test (ANOVA), if significant, a Scott-Knott (5%) test was performed. There were significant differences between treatments, emphasizing the T12 treatments, reaching a 23 sc ha-1 increment, T11- 19,5 sc ha-1, T10- 17 sc ha-1 and T6- 14 sc ha-1, when compared to control T2, presenting a 112,16 sc ha-1 average yield. The results indicate that these Bacillus strains' inoculation + a 50% P-dose positively affected the maize production, achieving higher productivity than the controls, especially compared to the 100 kg ha-1 P2O5 phosphorus recommended dose. Thus, this results in fertilizer and production costs reduction for the farmer. An interesting aspect is that simple inoculation of B. thuringiensis (B116), B. megaterium (B2106), and B. megaterium (B1734) strains reached higher productivity than mixed inoculation, except for T6- B. thuringiensis (B116) + B. megaterium (B119). Therefore, these microorganisms can potentially solubilize phosphates, resulting in the most profitable crop development and significant grain production.
Palavras-chave: Bacillus, bio-inputs, fertilizing, phosphorus Agência de fomento:CAPES, EMBRAPA, UFSJ. |