Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 668-2 | ||||
Resumo:The agricultural sector requires technological innovations to meet growing demands without compromising the environment's sustainability. The phosphorus (P)-solubilizing microorganisms use favors the current scenario, once the used P comes from non-renewable sources, implying sustainability issues. This work aimed to assess the impact of applying an inoculant based on two Bacillus strains (B. megaterium CNPMS B119 and B. subtilis CNPMS B2084) on maize crop, using three different inoculation methods: seed inoculation, planting furrow inoculation, and inoculation at the V3 maize stage. The strains belong to Embrapa Milho e Sorgo's Multifunctional Microorganisms Collection. The experiment was conducted during the 2022/23 maize harvest in the Embrapa Milho e Sorgo's experimental field, located in Sete Lagoas - MG. The soil is classified as a typical Red Latosol, Cerrado phase, in a scarce phosphorus range condition. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized block design, consisting of four treatments and three replications, as follows: Treatment 1- No application of inoculants; Treatment 2- Seed inoculation; Treatment 3- Inoculation by pulverization during the V3 stage of the maize plant; Treatment 4- Planting furrow inoculation by pulverization. A 50% P2O5 recommended dose was considered for all treatments. The microorganisms were cultivated in Tryptone Soy Broth (TSB) culture for three days at 28° C, with constant shaking at 120 rpm. After growth, cultures were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 6000 rpm and resuspended in a TSB liquid culture medium. The bacterial suspension was adapted to an equal to 1 absorbance, using a 540 nm wavelength, corresponding to approximately 108 cells mL-1 density. The seed inoculation considered the recommended dose of 100 mL ha-1 and added a special additive for inoculants. The planting furrow inoculation by pulverization and the inoculation by pulverization during the V3 stage of the maize plant consisted of a 200 mL dose of the inoculant prepared for each 100 L of water. Pulverization was performed using a CO2 backpack sprayer. The KWS, RB9006 VT PRO 2 corn hybrid was used and its average yield was evaluated for each treatment. Data were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) through SISVAR™ statistical program. If significant, the t-test (LSD) was performed with 10% of significance (p <0,1). An increase in productivity of 1035,01 kg ha-1 and 9894,13 kg ha-1 was observed in treatment 2 (seed inoculation) and 3 (inoculation by pulverization during the V3 stage of the maize plant), respectively, once compared to treatment 1 (no application of inoculants), which presented an 8964.09 kg ha-1 productivity. No significant difference was observed for treatment 4 (planting furrow inoculation by pulverization) once compared to the control, yet a gain of 6,2% in productivity was observable when comparing the averages. Assessed inoculation methods, once combined with the half phosphorus dosage recommended for the crop, emerge as promising and potentially effective strategies for optimizing agricultural management. Later studies should be carried out to consolidate these present results.
Palavras-chave: inoculation methods, phosphorus solubilizers, sustainability Agência de fomento:Embrapa Milho e Sorgo |