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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 604-1



Paula Yumi Takeda (USP - Universidade de São Paulo) ; Isabel Kimiko Sakamoto (USP - Universidade de São Paulo) ; André do Vale Borges (USP - Universidade de São Paulo) ; Carolina Tavares Paula (USP - Universidade de São Paulo) ; Inaê Alves (USP - Universidade de São Paulo) ; Márcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Damianovic (USP - Universidade de São Paulo)

Microbial characterization was performed in the suspended and attached biomass from an anaerobic structured-bed reactor ⟨AnSTBR⟩ treating glycerol. The reactor was operated at an organic loading rate of 4.8 ± 0.1 kgCOD⁄m 3.d, resulting in an organic removal rate of 4.5 ± 0.1 kgCOD⁄m3.d. The support material consisted of seven prismatic strips of polyurethane foam ⟨500x12x9 mm⟩, arranged in the bed zone between two stainless steel screens. Volatile solids of 3950 mg⁄L and 5816 mg⁄L were obtained for the suspended and attached biomass, respectively. The microbial characterization was performed using Illumina sequencing. The Shannon indexes diversity for the Bacteria domain were 4.10 and 4.21, for the suspended and attached biomass, respectively. For the Archaea domain, the indexes were 1.89 and 1.44 for the suspended and attached biomass, respectively. Bacterial phyla with relative abundances greater than 1% in the suspended biomass were Firmicutes ⟨70.68%⟩, Proteobacteria ⟨9.89%⟩, Bacteroidetes ⟨8.70%⟩, Actinobacteria ⟨7.36%⟩, Nitrospirae ⟨1.88%⟩, and others ⟨1.49%⟩. In the attached biomass, the most abundant bacterial phyla were Firmicutes ⟨56.66%⟩ Proteobacteria ⟨26.10%⟩, Bacteroidetes ⟨11.80%⟩, Actinobacteria ⟨1.98%⟩, Chloroflexi ⟨1.09%⟩, and others ⟨2.37%⟩. The genera with relative abundances greater than 2.5% in the suspended biomass were Clostridium ⟨28.77%⟩, Viridibacillus ⟨13.85%⟩, Staphylococcus ⟨7.61%⟩, Arthrobacter ⟨6.15%⟩, Bacteroides ⟨3.10%⟩, Pantoe ⟨2.89%⟩, Lactobacillus ⟨2.77%⟩, Weissella ⟨2.68%⟩, Bacillus ⟨2.59%⟩, and others ⟨29.59%⟩. While, the most abundant genera in the attached biomass ⟨> 2%⟩ were EnterobacterEnterobacter ⟨17.07%⟩, Staphylococcus ⟨14.76%⟩, Clostridium ⟨7.11%⟩, Caloramator ⟨5.07%⟩, Coxiella ⟨4.37%⟩, Weissella ⟨3.83%⟩, Viridibacillus ⟨3.00%⟩, Enterococcus ⟨2.97%⟩, Porphyromonas ⟨2.95%⟩, Bacteroides ⟨2.68%⟩, and others ⟨31.69%⟩. For the Archaea domain, the phylum with a relative abundance of 100% was Euryarchaeota for both biomasses. The genera with relative abundances greater than 2% in the suspended biomass were Methanobacterium ⟨43.31%⟩, Methanolinea ⟨30.77%⟩, Methanoregula ⟨13.01%⟩, Methanosaeta ⟨9.85%⟩, Methanofollis ⟨2.19%⟩, and others ⟨0.86%⟩, while in the attached biomass were Methanosaeta ⟨47.52%⟩, Methanolinea ⟨40.05%⟩, Methanosphaerula ⟨4.94%⟩, Methanobacterium ⟨3.41%⟩, and others ⟨4.09%⟩. Clostridium genus played an important role in glycerol degradation for hydrogen generation, which was utilized by hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea to produce methane, primarily in the suspended biomass. Nevertheless, in the attached biomass, the main contributors to methane production were acetoclastic methanogenic archaea. Therefore, the configuration of the reactor ⟨AnSTBR⟩ facilitated microbial development with relative abundances in different niches ⟨suspended and attached to the polyurethane foam⟩, which was crucial for anaerobic glycerol biodigestion.

 anaerobic structured bed reactor, attached biomass, Glycerol, Illumina sequencing, suspended biomass

Agência de fomento:
Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES Finance Code Nº 88882.328915/2019-01); Research Support Foundation of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP - grand numbers 2015/06246-7 and 2019/13847-8).