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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 599-2



Enderson Ferreira (CNPAF - Embrapa Arroz e Feijão) ; Adriane Wendland (CNPAF - Embrapa Arroz e Feijão) ; Princewill Asobia (UFG - Universidade Federal de Goiás)

The use of beneficial microorganisms is essential for rice production to sustainably meet the needs of the growing world population. This study aimed to characterise genotypically IAA-producing and P-solubilising bacteria and, to determine the response of the upland rice crop to sole and consortium inoculation of beneficial microorganisms under greenhouse conditions. Four bacterial strains (BRM 0363573, BRM 67205, BRM 063574 and, BRM 67206) were identified by 16S sequencing analysis. The greenhouse experiment was laid out in a randomised block design as a 20×3 factorial arrangement, with 4 replications. The first factor comprised of 20 sub-treatments, which were composed of P-solubilising strains and the P-solubilising commercial product sole inoculation (BRM 063573, BRM 67205, BRM 67207 and BiomaPhos®), IAA-producing strains sole inoculation (BRM 063574, BRM 67206, BRM 32114 and Ab-V6) and their combined inoculation, as follows: BRM 063573, BRM 67205, BRM 67207, BRM 063574, BRM 67206, BRM 32114, BiomaPhos®, Ab-V6, BRM 063573+BRM 063574, BRM 063573+BRM 32114, BRM 063573+BRM 67206, BRM 67205+BRM 063574, BRM 67205+BRM 32114, BRM 67205+BRM 67206, BRM 67207+BRM 063574, BRM 67207+BRM 67205, BRM 67207+BRM 67206, BiomaPhos®+Ab-V6, Absolute control and, Fertilisation control. The second factor on the factorial arrangement was composed by 3 phosphorus doses (25%, 50% and 100% of the recommended fertilisation). The test crop was upland rice cultivar BRS A502. Growth (number of tillers at the vegetative stage-NTVS, plant height-PH, root volume-RV, root weight-RW, shoot weight-SW) and productivity (number of panicles-NP, number of full grains-FG and grain weight-GW) parameters were determined. By the genotypic characterisations the bacteria BRM 063574 was identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, while BRM 063573 and BRM 67206 are Bacillus pumilus and BRM 67205 is a Paenibacillus pabuli. Analysis of growth and productivity parameters of rice revealed that inoculation significantly (p<0.05) improved the NTVS, PH, RV, RW, SW, NP, FG and GW across all levels of phosphorus fertiliser application. The treatments BRM 67205+BRM 67206 and BiomaPhos®+Ab-V6 were the most effective in terms of growth promotion of rice plants, however, the Bacillus subtilis (BRM 67207) treatment in combination with the 25% phosphorus dose provided better GW, implying a substitution of phosphate fertiliser up to 75%

 IAA producer, Phosphate solubilizer, Sustainability

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