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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 432-1



Elaine Maria Seles Dorneles (UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras) ; Carine Rodrigues Pereira (UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras) ; Lais Gabrielle Alvarenga Assis (UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras) ; Andrei Giacchetto Felice (UFTM - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO) ; Jeffrey Tate Foster (NAU - NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY) ; David O’callaghan (UM - UNIVERSITY OF MONTPELLIER) ; Siomar de Castro Soares (UFTM - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO) ; Vasco Ariston de Carvalho Azevedo (UFMG - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS) ; Andrey Pereira Lage (UFMG - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS)

The study of the genomes of bacterial pathogens has contributed enormously to the knowledge of microorganisms and, therefore, to the control and prevention of zoonoses, such as brucellosis. However, the quality of genomes included in the pan-genome analysis should be checked carefully, since the insertion of contaminations/incompleteness assembles may underestimate the core genes and compromise the identification of singletons, which generates bias on the results of the pan-genome and genetic repertory prediction for the assessed species. This study aimed to perform and compare the pan-genomic analysis of 53 strains of Brucella abortus isolated from cattle in Brazil, in combination with genomes available on the platform of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), before and after a quality curation of the assemblies, to verify the impact that the absence of basic quality parameters may have in the study of the genetic repertoire of the species. The core-genome, accessory genome and singletons were predicted in the pan-genome analyzes using Roary before and after applying the quality filter (309 and 252 genomes respectively). We identified 4,955 genes in the pan-genome after que quality filter, being 4,921 of them present in the NCBI strains, and 3,361 in the Brazilian strains. The quality filter caused a three-fold increase in the number of genes common to all isolates and reduced the number of singletons by almost seven times. The 53 genomes of B. abortus contributed to increase knowledge about the genetic repertoire of the species and have the potential to serve as a basis for future functional studies of this important zoonotic pathogen. In conclusion, the quality curation of assemblies before the performance of a pan-genome analysis proved to be an essential step for an accurate characterization of the genetic repertoire of B. abortus. Additionally, the inclusion of the 53 complete genomes from strains isolated in Brazil was responsible for adding 34 genes to the known genetic repertoire of B. abortus.

 Brucellosis, whole genome sequence, core-genome, shared-genome, singleton

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