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Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023
Resumo: 339-1


EFFECT OF Croton lechleri IN THE TREATMENT OF Candida albicans IN VITRO

Adna Maia (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre, BIONORTE - GRADUATE PROGRAM IN BIODIVERSITY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF THE BI) ; Jaine Rocha (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre, BIONORTE - GRADUATE PROGRAM IN BIODIVERSITY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF THE BI) ; Marcio Romualdo (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre) ; Tamyres Silva (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre) ; Luís Maggi (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre, BIONORTE - GRADUATE PROGRAM IN BIODIVERSITY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF THE BI)

Candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast, responsible for superficial infections of the oral, esophageal, vaginal mucosa or even systemic infections. In recent years, the mortality rate due to C. albicans has grown considerably, accounting for 50% of nosocomial fungal infections and causing health problems, especially in immunocompromised patients. The antifungal drugs of the azole class are still the most used to combat candidemia, such as imidazoles (butoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole and ketoconazole) and triazoles (fluconazole and itraconazole), in addition to Amphotericin B (AmB), belonging to the class of polyenes. However, they may have some adverse effects when used in dose-dependent mode or associated with other drugs. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Croton lechleri (CL) sap against C. albicans isolates. A standard strain of C. albicans ATCC was used, seeded by exhaustion on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (ASD) and incubated for 24 h at 37ºC. Fungal suspensions were prepared at a concentration of 1.5 x 108 CFU/ml, using a Mc Farland scale nº 0.5. For the preparation of the culture medium, 48.75 g of ASD was used diluted in 750 ml of distilled water, in the same way, for the preparation of the broth, 22.50 ASD was diluted in 750 ml of distilled water. From this solution, a proportion of 15 ml was used for each flask of medium and broth, respectively, in order to avoid bacterial growth and proliferation. Soon after, the broth was conditioned and the culture medium was poured into acrylic petri plates preserved in a refrigerator for 72 hours. The plates were divided into four groups (G) submitted to exposure to CL at a concentration of 1.04 g/ml (G1), 2.08 g/ml (G2), 3.12 g/ml (G3) and 4, 24 g/ml (G4), with triplicate for each G. Two control groups (CG) were also analyzed, the positive GC (fluconazole 0.012 g) and the negative GC (0.9% saline solution). All groups were preserved for 24 hours. Comparative analysis of colony forming units (CFU) counts of C. albicans was performed using Promega Colony Counters. The methodology is an adaptation of the technique used by Yang et al (2018). The CFU count was 330 (1.65% area) for G1; 311 (area 0.34%) for G2; 358 (area 3.59%) for G3; 433 (area 13.51%) for the G4; 948 (area 47.22%) for the negative GC; and 856 (35.15% area) for the positive GC. Thus, the best in vitro result against the growth of C. albicans was G2, corresponding to 2.08 g/ml of CL. As this is a pilot study, it will be necessary to increase the sample size to better substantiate the experiment.

 C. albicans, antifungal, phytotherapy

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