Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 325-2 | ||||
Resumo:The "Adopt a Bacteria'' project by the Department of Microbiology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of São Paulo (ICB-USP) consists of an active methodology for the learning of Microbiology by placing the student as the protagonist in the learning process. During the tenth edition of “Adopt a Bacteria", developed in the discipline of Bacteriology at ICB-USP, the adoption of the bacterium Escherichia coli was inspired by the universe of superheroes. The strategy followed by the group was to use this theme to make the content, through the approach of taxonomic, morphological, genetic, metabolic and pathological aspects of this microorganism, in a more accessible and attention calling way, uniting the scientific language and the recreational universe in order to spread knowledge wider. The produced content has been directed to the world of technology, teaching, entertainment and scientific dissemination, through posts on Instagram, development of a creative information board, performance of a playful presentation in videogame format and elaboration of a brief comic-like story(HQ). These activities were intended to strengthen, fix and share the content learned and researched throughout the development of the project. With the intention of achieving this goal, the posts made on Instagram contained information and characteristics of the studied bacteria and, as a complement, stories published there were saved later in the highlights of the platform. These posts contained interactive and informative content to spread information about Escherichia coli. In addition, all the material presented in the publications was synthesized on a blackboard and in a thematic presentation in the form of a videogame, in which Escherichia coli and its different pathogenic forms were the protagonists. Finally, as a final product, a science dissemination material was created in a comic-like story entitled "The avenger of the microbial world, Escherichia coli: Heroine or villain?" (image 1). Through a narrative with superheroes, a popular theme that has the ability to arouse the interest especially of the younger public, the content attached during the learning process was presented in a light and accessible way. All stages of the activities developed followed the Bacteriology classes schedule, so that the understanding of the subject was bigger on the part of both the group and the other students. The goal was to make the dissemination of knowledge about Escherichia coli more dynamic, playful and interactive, in order to arouse the interest of other students and the general public about the adopted bacterium. The project adopts efficient methodologies that place the student at the center of the learning process, making them the protagonist of their knowledge. The student engages in a more meaningful way when encouraged to seek information and lead practical activities. In conclusion, “Adopt a Bacteria” contributes to the application of active teaching techniques for the dissemination of scientific knowledge and demystification of misconceptions about microorganisms. Palavras-chave: Adopt, active methodology, Escherichia coli, teaching, superheroes Agência de fomento:CAPES |