Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 290-1 | ||||
Resumo:Herpothallon rubrocinctum (Ehrenb.) Aptroot & Lücking (syn Cryptothecia rubrocincta) is a lichen commonly found in Brazil, growing in humid and shaded places, being considered a bioindicator for non-polluted environments. The body of the lichen forms continuous, circular crust-like patches on dead wood, easily recognizable by the prominent red pigment. The aged lichen has its central region covered with red, spherical to cylindrical granules. The objective of the present study was to develop a methodology for extracting the red compound, analyzing the UV spectrum, and quantifying proteins, phenols, and antioxidants. Lichen samples were collected from Schinus terebinthifolius trees, located in Ibiúna, SP, Brazil, and later transported to the laboratory, being kept in a humid chamber. After one week under these conditions, the reproduction of the fungal partner could be seen with small cups named apothecia. This fungal material was inoculated in plates containing potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) medium, kept in a dark environment, and after 4 days, the red color could be seen. Water and 10% alcohol were added to the plate after 20 days of growth, and 30 minutes after solvent addition, the red pigment was extracted from the medium. The extract was evaluated by UV scanning spectrophotometer, with quantification of proteins and phenols. The antioxidant capability evaluation was performed by ABTS (2,2-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotiazolin)-6-sulphonic) acid method, using Trolox as standard, and results expressed in micromol Trolox. Partial results showed that the aqueous compound containing the red pigment had reading peaks at 205 and 286nm in UV scanning spectrophotometer, confirming the chiodectonic acid found in this lichen. In 100 mL of sample, components quantification resulted in 1.15mg of protein and 2.43mg of phenols. As an antioxidant, the red pigment extract presented IC50 = 92.91uM of Trolox. It is possible to conclude that the solution with red pigment have a potential antioxidant activity and can have many uses in research.
Development Agency: WADT CONSULTORIA FARMACEUTICA; Fapesp n. 2021/13911-8; Bolsa Pesquisa CNPq (Proc. 351089/2022-5).
Palavras-chave: lichen, Herpothallon rubrocinctum, antioxidant Agência de fomento:WADT CONSULTORIA FARMACEUTICA; Fapesp n. 2021/13911-8; Bolsa Pesquisa CNPq (Proc. 351089/2022-5). |