Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia 2023 | Resumo: 223-1 | ||||
Resumo:The traditional teaching model has been questioned by several authors for years, especially due to the need to reformulate the idea conveyed by it that the teacher is the central figure in the classroom, to the detriment of the students. In recent years, this discussion has intensified, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has highlighted the need to insert the student as a central figure in the teaching-learning process, leaving the teacher with the role of mediating this process, and helping in the development of student autonomy. This idea is the basis for what is now known as active methodologies. There are countless types, each one proposing a different way of developing the student's learning autonomy, but one of the common points among most of them is the use of the Internet to assist in the teaching-learning process. The use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICTs) for educational purposes is very interesting because it allows students to approach the content they study. Among the DICTs that can be used in the educational context are social networks, which can be used as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), the main one being Instagram, which is currently one of the social networks with the largest number of users in the world. It is in this context and intending to develop “learning to learn” in students that the #Adote Project emerged, aimed at active and collaborative teaching of Microbiology, in particular Bacteriology, with “Adopt a Bacteria”, which has been developed since 2013. In this sense, the objective of the present work is to verify the applicability of Instagram as a VLE for the Bacteriology discipline, taught in the second half of 2022 for students of the Biomedicine and Fundamental Sciences for Health courses at ICB-USP. For this purpose, the students were divided into groups and each one adopted a bacterium to post on Instagram, relating it to the content covered in the discipline's theoretical classes. The posts, in turn, were discussed, deepened, and monitored by the mediators of each group – undergraduate and graduate students – under the supervision of the discipline coordinator. To analyze the impacts of the project on learning, three questionnaires were applied to the students: the first (Q1) of previous conceptions; the second (Q2) at the end of the project; and the third (Q3) of retention, applied five months after the end of #Adote. The analysis of the questionnaires was carried out using the separation by thematic categories and the Shannon Diversity Index, to verify the richness of the students' discourse throughout the project. It was observed that the richness of the students' speech increased, especially in Q2, which is expected, since it was applied soon after the end of the project. In addition, there was an increase in the number of categories mentioned, in addition to a higher amount of information in each one. Also, throughout the course, it was possible to perceive the students' engagement with activities, such as making parodies, comic books, board games, and making blackboards. These data indicate that the students learned, in addition to their excellent engagement in the proposed activities, demonstrating the potential of Instagram as a VLE for teaching Bacteriology. Palavras-chave: Active Learning, Bacteriology, Higher Education, Instagram, Virtual Learning Environment Agência de fomento:Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) |