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00Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná
Welcome to the XIII International Meeting on Paracoccidioidomycosis. PCM2017 will be at Foz de Iguaçu City/PR - 22nd and 25th October/2017 - in parallel to the Brazilian Society for Microbiology meeting.
PCM meeting is one of the most traditional events of Medical Mycology in Latin America. The PCM2017 together with Brazilian Society for Microbiology meeting will strengthen scientists, professionals and students to discuss cutting edge science in medical mycology. The presence of professionals and students from different areas of knowledge is essential to create an atmosphere for discussion and resolution of common problems.
The registration and more information about the scientific program, venue and abstract submission can be found at the website http://sbmicrobiologia.org.br/pcm2017/ Please, share this information with your colleagues!
The scientific committee is confident that the meeting will present the latest important advances of cellular and molecular biology, immunology, genetics and genomics, evolution, epidemiology, diagnostics and clinical aspects of Paracoccidioidomycosis and others fungal pathogens.
Carlos Pelleschi Taborda
President of Brazilian Society for Microbiology and the XIII Internacional meeting on Paracoccodioidomycosis
What is included in your registration?
- Transfer between the hotels listed on our website and the conference location at the times established by the organizing committee.
- Conference material
- Participation in Conferences and Roundtables of SBM.
Conference hours:
Registration: 10/22/2017 from 7:30am to 9:00pm, 10/23/2017 and 10/24/2017 from 8:00am to 7:00pm and 10/25/2017 from 12:30pm to 7:00pm
Opening Ceremony: 10/22/2017 – from 8pm to 9:30pm
Poster presentation: 10/23/2017 and 10/24/2017 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Extra-courses (not included in registration fee):
Courses will have duration of 4 or 8 hours and will be distributed among the event activities.
Registration for Extra-courses can be made throughout the deadline for on-line registration and on site (depending upon availability).
Identification cards (ID): it is mandatory the use of identification cards to attend in scientific activities. ID is personal and untransferable. Bar code will be used to control access to different areas, facilitating your participation in courses and other activities.
Credential: if you lose your ID card, new ID will be issued and will cost the participant R$50,00.
On-line certificates: All certificates will be available on-line for printing on the section CERTIFICATES in participant restricted area.
P.S.: Certificates will not be sent by mail and will only be available on-line for 120 days.
Urgent medical care: Conference will feature a medical facility and a mobile ICU with professionals trained on first aid care. Mobile ICU will be parked in front of Conference site.
07/01/2016 – Opening of on-line registration and abstract submission
06/15/2017 at 23h59m (Brasilia, Brazil time) – Deadline for abstract submission
07/17/2017 – Probable date for divulgation of approved abstracts
07/31/2017 – Deadline for registration with discounts
07/31/2017 – Approved abstracts linked to not-paid registrations will be canceled without further notice up to this date.
10/02/2017 – Deadline for on-line registration.
11/03/2017 a 17/10/2017 – On-line registration allowed with payment on site at the Secretariat.
Refund policy
Requests must be forward to the e-mail financeiro@sbmicrobiologia.org.br up to 08/15/2017, informing registration number, full name and bank account details for fee refund.
Only 70% of registration fee will be refunded, and bank transaction fees will also be discounted.
Refunds will be done between November 1st and 5th, 2017.
For further information, please contact us at financeiro@sbmicrobiologia.org.br.
Adriana Pardini Vicentini - IAL/SP
Anamelia Lorenzetti Bocca- UnB
Angela M. C. Soares - UNESP/Botucatu
Arnaldo Colombo - UNIFESP
Carlos Pelleschi Taborda - USP
Carla Romano - UESC/Ilheús
Célia Maria de Almeida Soares - UFG
Eduardo Bagagli - UNESP-Botucatu
Gil Benard - USP
Gustavo H. Goldman - USP/RP
Maria José Mendes Giannini - UNESP/Araraquara
Maria Heloisa S. L. Blotta - FCM-UNICAMP
Maria Sueli S. Felipe - UnB
Rosely Maria Zancopé Oliveira - Fiocruz/RJ
Rosana Puccia - UINIFESP
Sandro Rogerio de Almeida - USP
Vera Lúcia Garcia Calich - USP
Gustavo Giusiano – Argentina
Julian Estevan Munhoz Henao – Colombia
Martha Eugenia Urán Jiménez - Colombia
Beátriz Lucia Gomes Giraldi - Universidad Rosario
Ángel González Marín - Universidad Antioquia
Juan Guilermo Mcewen Ochoa - Universidad Antioquia y Universidad Rosario
Joshua Daniel Nosanchuk – Albert Einsten College of Medicine
Abstract submission must be done in the restricted area in English imperatively up to 05/31/2017.
Up to 2 (two) abstracts can be submitted for each participant!
ATTENTION: Please review carefully the abstract before submission to avoid mistakes! Abstracts must be submitted through on-line form, in the section ABSTRACT SUBMISSION, available in the restricted area after registration.
Instructions for submission:
Steps for abstract submission
Abstract must be written in one page with minimum 1800 and maximum 2500 characters (with spaces) and contain a brief introduction, material and methods, discussion of results and conclusion.
Characters of Title, Authors, Filliations, Keywords and Founding Agencies will not be considered in word counting.
Abstracts submitted through mail, e-mail or fax will not be accepted.
Only unpublished, original scientific contributions among conference subject will be considered, and it is forbidden to submit published studies or research in designing phase. Acknowledgments to founding agencies are optional.
Abstracts must not contain citations nor references.
It is an author attribution to choose field of knowledge for the study. However, scientific committee can reallocate the abstract to other area if found appropriate. Abstract submissions linked to registration not-yet paid until 07/31/2017 will be canceled without further notice.
In order to check abstract approval, authors must access the section ABSTRACT SUBMISSION RESULTS in restricted area.
All abstracts accepted will be published in ONLINE in the annals, since the author who submitted the paper has paid registration fee. It will be accepted up to 2 (two) abstracts for participant.
The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse the abstracts that do not fulfill all the requirements. All abstracts must be presented in Poster presentation sections.
In this case, authors will be invited to submit the complete abstracts by e-mail. Complete abstracts will be used exclusively to this end, and will not be published on the CD or any other divulgation vehicle.
Poster assemblage and presentation
Poster must be mounted according to the program, that will be prepared by the scientific committee, and it is mandatory the presence of poster presenter during established periods.
The poster can be written in Portuguese or English (Preferably in English).
Poster must be assembled between 12pm and 2pm on the day of your presentation. Poster sessions will be held on October 23rd and 24th from 7pm to 8:30pm. If the presenter is not present, it will be facultative to the Scientific Committee to provide certificates. The maximum size of the poster will be 1.5m tall by 1.0 m width.
SBM does not prescribe a poster template. If the poster is not assembled, the authors will be prevented from presenting papers for the next two conferences.
The poster must contain:
1. a) title;
2. b) author (s);
3. c) introduction;
4. d) Material and methods (when research); diagnosis or treatment plan (when clinical cases);
5. e) results and conclusions;
6. f) references.
The responsibility for safety and possible damages to the poster is solely of the presenter. The Evaluation Committee of the Posters and the Secretariat of the Congress are not responsible for posters not removed from the panel after the display.
Registration can only be made online by the link ONLINE REGISTRATION.
In case you have forgotten your password after making your registration, click FORGOT MY PASSWORD.
The password will be sent to the e-mail registered in our database.
Upon entering the reserved area, you will be able to update your registration information, consult registration fee, proceed to payment, submit your Abstract and print receipts, certificates and abstract acceptance letter.
You must fill in all fields of the Registration Form.
For registration into the categories undergraduate student, postgraduate student (MSc / PhD / SBM Specialization) or postdoctoral fellow, it is mandatory to provide an official document issued by the Educational Institution, valid for 30 days, stating your academic status with semester/year to the e-mail: financeiro@sbmicrobiologia.org.br, fax +55 (11) 3037.7095 or by mail. Any other document will not be accepted.
You can only proceed the payment after sending this Statement to the organizing committee!
What is included in the registration fee?
- Transfer between the hotels listed on our website and the conference location at the times established by the organizing committee.
- Conference material
- Participation in Conferences and Roundtables of SBM.
In order to enjoy the benefits of Associate category it is necessary to be consenting member in the past two years.
Bank Billet for annual fees may be issued in the restricted area for members at SBM site.
Payment methods:
Bank Billet
The registration fee can be paid through Bank Billet in a one-time payment. Bank invoice will be issued after completion of the online registration form.
Credit card
Payments with credit card
After payment confirmation by the financial institution (two working days), receipt will be provided in the restricted area with digital signature.
Receipts will be issued with the same date as of fee payment.
Rafain Palace Hotel
Av. Olímpio Rafagnin 2357 - Parque Imperatriz
Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná
Reservation central
Telefone: (45) 3520 9494
Toll Free: 0800 645 3400
E-mail: reservas@rafainpalace.com.br