Poster (Painel)
567-2 | Culture method for the detection of Bacillus cereus in cosmetics
| Autores: | Maria Cristina Fernandez (FDA - Food and Drug Administration / ANMAT - Administracion Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecno) ; Gabriela Arce (FDA - Food and Drug Administration) ; Carlos Chiale (ANMAT - Administracion Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecno) ; Thomas Hammamrk (FDA - Food and Drug Administration) |
Resumo It is well documented that Bacillus cereus is associated with food poisoning and with opportunistic infections. Cosmetics are among the most widely used products in the world. Currently, there are no specific microbiological cosmetic standards for the detection of B. cereus in cosmetics. The aim of this study was to develop a reference culture method for B. cereus in cosmetics. Materials and methods: Baby powder and eye cream samples were artificially contaminated with serially diluted spore suspensions of B. cereus ATCC 14579 to establish the limit of detection (LOD). Two sample preparations were assayed using as diluent solutions: Fluid Casein Digest-Soy Lecithin Polysorbate 20 medium (TAT)(United State Pharmacopoeia) and Modified Letheen Broth with Tween 80 as dispersing agent (LBM) (Bacteriological Analytical Manual). Trypticase soy-Polymyxin Broth (TPB) and Mannitol Polimyxin Broth (MPB) were used as selective enrichment media. Isolations on Bacara and Mannitol-egg yolk-polymyxin (MYP) were performed. Uninoculated controls, for the detection of naturally occuring B. cereus contamination and neutralizing agents were assayed. Results: Neither B. cereus nor the antibacterial activity of neutralizing agents were detected in the uninoculated test-portions. B. cereus was recovered in baby powder at the 10-7 dilution in MPB and MYP agar and at the 10-4 dilution in TPB and MYP agar. In Bacara plates, B. cereus was recovered at the 10-7 dilution with MPB and at the 10-4 dilution with TPB using TAT diluent. B. cereus was recovered at the 10-3 dilution in MPB and MYP agar and at the 10-4 dilution in TPB and MYP agar. In Bacara plates, B. cereus was recovered at the 10-3 dilution with MPB. No recovery was obtained in Bacara plates from TPB using LBM diluent. In the eye cream, B. cereus was at the 10-4 dilution of the spore suspension in MPB and MYP agar and at the 10-3 dilution in TPB and MYP agar. In Bacara plates B. cereus was recovered at the 10-3 dilution with MPB and at the 10-0 dilution with TPB using TAT diluent . B. cereus was recovered at the 10-3 MPB and MYP agar and at the 10-4 dilutions in TPB and MYP agar. In Bacara plates B. cereus was recovered at the 10-2 dilution with MPB. No recovery was obtained in Bacara plates from TPB using LBM diluent. Conclusions: Results indicate that both methods allow for the recovery of Bacillus cereus from the matrixes assayed. The LOD in MYP was lower than that of Bacara plates. Palavras-chave: Bacillus cereus, cosmeticos, detection |