Poster (Painel)
332-1 | CONTROL OF Bipolaris sorokiniana IN BARLEY PLANTS USING EXTRACT OF LEAVES FROM AVOCADO (Persea americana Mill.). | Autores: | Maria Carolina L. Marcondes (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Kamila F. Esquerdo (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Laura Miranda Bezerra Lima (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Silvia Goes Silvia G. Costa (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Rafael Leite Carvalho (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Helenita Antonia Oliveira (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) ; Erna Elisabeth Bach (UNINOVE - Bolsa Fapic-Uninove) |
Resumo The disease spot blotch, caused by the fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana is the most deleterious disease in barley production (cultivar Embrapa BRS-195). To control the disease, fungicides have been used that can impact the environment and human health. One method to eliminate these drawbacks is promoting induced protection. This study investigated the use of an aqueous or alcoholic extract of leaves from Persea americana as a biological control of B.sorokiniana or as an inducer of protection in barley plants against the pathogen under greenhouse conditions. In Brazil, Persea americana was cultivated in all regions and the avocado with pear-shaped green fruit, denominated avocado butter, was the most common fruit. The leaves can be used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, hipoglicemic, potent vasorelaxant and reducing blood pressure. For extraction leaves were collected in Ibiúna (Sítio Bach), dry and crushed in a powder form. 100g of powder were homogenized with 500mL of water and after 30min in freezer was filtrate in whatmann n.1 under vaccum. For alcoholic extract, 80g of powder was percolate with 200mL of alcohol 70% for one week. One milliliter of each extract was incorporated in culture medium PDA and after transferred in slide of microscope and inoculated the conidia of fungi. After 5 days was observed the development of fungi. The results showed that alcoholic extract inhibited the fungal growth and conidial production (fungitoxic action) while aqueous extract showed no difference in the development and production of conidia when compared to the slide control. Thus, the aqueous extract was used as elicitor by spraying barley plants and organized as follows: a) healthy; b) treated with extract; c) inoculated with the pathogen; d) treated with extract and after 24h inoculated the pathogen; e) ditto the group d, however, after 48h and f) ditto the group d, however after 72h. During the first 24 hours after pathogen inoculation, the plants were kept in a moist chamber (100% RH), ambient temperature and dark. Then the material was transferred to a greenhouse and evaluated after 7 days. Results showed protection from 50 to 90% in local action. Conclusion: alcoholic extract have fungitoxic action above fungi and aqueous extract have action as inducer protection in plants and can be used in agriculture. Palavras-chave: barley plants, Bipolaris sorokiniana, avocado |